About Us

Who Are We

The Heart-to-Heart Foundation (H2H Foundation) is a for-impact organization dedicated to saving lives and improving rural healthcare worldwide. The multifaceted mission encompasses several vital areas of service, all with the shared goal of enhancing the well-being of rural communities and children in need.

The areas H2H dwells include life-saving heart surgeries for children, mother and child care, and empowering rural students with medical education.

Child Heart Surgeries

We are dedicated to saving the lives of children from the clutches of Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs). Through collaboration with the Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals, we extend a lifeline to these little warriors, providing critical pediatric cardiac surgeries to children in need worldwide.

Mother and Child Health

To prevent high maternal and infant mortality, H2H ensures the well-being of mothers and infants by offering comprehensive antenatal care, neonatal care; a lifeline for newborns, and screenings for early detection and intervention ensuring prompt treatment and support.

Empowering Rural Students with Medical Education

H2H is dedicated to providing deserving rural students with the opportunity to pursue medical education. The free education program allows students to pursue medicine in India's First Rural Medical College and cultivate a new generation of medical professionals in rural healthcare.

Our Vision

Heart to Heart (H2H) dreams of a world where every child and mother receives life-saving care, and rural students emerge as tomorrow's healthcare leaders, ensuring healthcare access for all

Our Vision
Our Vision

Our Mission

The Heart-to-Heart Foundation (H2H Foundation) is a for-impact organization dedicated to saving lives and improving rural healthcare. The multifaceted mission encompasses several vital areas of service, all with the shared goal of enhancing the well-being of rural communities and children in need.

Partnerships & Collaborations